Váš prohlížeč - MS Internet Explorer #version# - již nepatří mezi podporované prohlížeče. Doporučujeme přejít na některý jiný prohlížeč, podrobnosti najdete v prohlášení o přístupnosti.

Simultaneous pursuit of activities in the territories of two or more Contracting States

These are situations where:

  1. A worker, simultaneously or alternately, carries out one or more separate activities in two or more Member States for the same undertaking or employer or for different undertakings or employers. The situation is regulated by Article 13(1) of Regulation No 883/2004,

  2. A self-employed person, simultaneously or alternately, pursues one or more separate self-employed activities, regardless of the nature of those activities, in two or more Member States. The situation is regulated by Article 13(2) of Regulation No 883/2004,

  3. A person usually works as an employee and a self-employed person in different Member States. The situation is regulated by Article 13(3) of Regulation No 883/2004,

  4. A person is employed as a civil servant by one Member State and works as an employed or self-employed person in one or more Member States. The situation is regulated by Article 13(4) of Regulation No 883/2004.

Notification obligation of the person

A person pursuing an activity in the territory of two or more Member States is obliged to notify the institution of the Member State of residence in accordance with Article 16(1) of Regulation 987/2009. In the Czech Republic, it shall fulfil the above notification obligation by submitting one of the following applications, depending on the specific situation:

  1. A joint application by an employee and an employer for the issue of a certificate of applicable social security legislation,

  2. An application of a self-employed person for the issue of a certificate of applicable social security legislation,

  3. A joint application by an employee and an employer and a self-employed person for the issue of a certificate of applicable social security legislation.

The situation is regulated by Article 13 of Regulation No 883/2004. If the conditions are met, form A1 is issued. More on part A1 form.

Last update: 18. 2. 2022