Váš prohlížeč - MS Internet Explorer #version# - již nepatří mezi podporované prohlížeče. Doporučujeme přejít na některý jiný prohlížeč, podrobnosti najdete v prohlášení o přístupnosti.

Employer's obligations - insurance

The employer shall pay the premium to the account of the competent DSSA for each calendar month within the maturity period, i.e. from the 1st to the 20th day of the following calendar month. The date of payment shall be the date when the premiums are credited to the account of the payment service provider of the competent DSSA. Within the same period, the employer shall submit to the competent DSSA, using the prescribed form Statement of the determined assessment base and premium amount that he is obliged to pay, indicating the account number from which the payment of the premium was made. The form Statement of the premium amounts shall be submitted by the employer electronically in the form of a eSubmission.

Last update: 8. 2. 2022