A1 form (also applies to posting of workers)
In many situations, a certificate must be issued stating that the citizen (worker) is subject to legal regulations of a certain Member State. This certificate – A1 form (PD A1, Portable Document A1) is issued only after an application, which must be submitted in time to the competent institution. A1 form is issued by the institution of the Member State whose social security regulations apply to the person. If the institution finds that it is not competent to issue the A1 form, it shall inform the applicant, indicating which Member State should be competent, or forward the application directly to the institution of the other Member State, depending on the specific case.
In the Czech Republic, all applications for determination of legislation applicable shall be submitted to the social security administrations which are locally competent as follows:
- based on the registered office of the employer or its payroll accounting office;
- based on the place of residence of the person;
- in cases where it is not possible to determine territorial competence, at any social security administration.
- A1 form shall be issued by the locally competent social security administration in the case of the posting of an employee, the posting of a self-employed person, contract staff of the European Communities, civil servants and persons treated as such, persons employed on board a ship, flight crew members and also in the case of simultaneous pursuit of activities.
- requests for an exception from legislation applicable are submitted at the locally competent social security administration and processed by the CSSA Headquarters, Křížová 25, 225 08 Praha 5 – Department of International Insurance Relations, Employees’ Sickness Insurance Section.
How to apply for the A1 form
The determination of legislation applicable and the issuance of the A1 form shall be requested via a national application form, i.e.
- For an employee – Request for determination of legislation applicable for an employee
- For a self-employed person – Request for determination of legislation applicable for a self-employed person
- For an employee, who simultaneously is a self-employed person – Request for determination of legislation applicable for an employed person, who is simultaneously self-employed
The application shall be accompanied by:
- Employment contract(s), including changes and additions relevant to the submitted application (if social security administration has not have them available already).
- Trade license (if it is not verifiable in the available applications and registers or if social security administration has not have it available already).
- Certificate on applicable legislation, if issued to the applicant by a foreign institution, in relation to the period of this application.
- Contractual documents on the basis of which the applicant pursues activity in the Czech Republic and abroad (depending on the specific situation).
- Affirmation of a foreign employer (attached to the request for an exception from applicability of foreign social security legislation, if the applicant has a foreign employer obliged to pay social security contribution to Czech social security system provided that the exception will be granted).
- In relation to UK, if Withdrawal Agreement is to be applied: Affirmation of residence in the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the application of Withdrawal Agreement
A district social security administration (in the case of exceptions, the Czech Social Security Administration) will assess the situation on the basis of the application submitted and if the Czech legislation applies, the A1 form is issued. In the case of rejection (non-fulfilment of the conditions), it shall inform the applicant by a letter.
Obligations of the migrant person regarding contractual documents and information
In accordance with Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 987/2009, the migrant person is obliged to provide the competent institution with all information, documents or supporting documentation necessary to establish their situation or that of their family, to establish or maintain rights and obligations, and to determine the legislation applicable and the person’s obligations under that legislation.
In the case of gainful employment in the territory of another Member State, the employee is obliged to immediately notify his or her employer of this fact.
Last update: 23. 1. 2025