Váš prohlížeč - MS Internet Explorer #version# - již nepatří mezi podporované prohlížeče. Doporučujeme přejít na některý jiný prohlížeč, podrobnosti najdete v prohlášení o přístupnosti.


The pension beneficiary must inform CSSA of any and all facts that may affect the pension and its payment, i.e. in particular the change of address, change of the account number where the pension is to be remitted, etc.

If an individual is invited to undergo additional medical examinations, e.g, with other specialists, by DSSA, he/she must undergo such examinations. If he or she refuses to undergo the required examinations, the proceedings concerning their application for a disability pension may be suspended (or the pension payments may be suspended for the beneficiary).

Last update: 5. 2. 2022