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Widow's/widower's pension

Conditions for entitlement

The widow/widower shall be entitled to a widow/widower's pension after the deceased person (after the spouse) who has received an old-age or disability pension or, if he/she has not yet been the beneficiary of the pension, has fulfilled the condition of the required insurance period for disability pension or conditions for the entitlement to the old-age pension stipulated in Section 29 or Section 31 (1) of the Pension Insurance Act as of the date when he/she deceased. The accumulation of the required insurance period is not necessary if the spouse has died as a result of an accident at work. Another condition is that the marriage existed as of the date when the spouse deceased.

On the date of a new marriage, the entitlement to widow's/widower's pension shall cease to exist.

If the marriage has been divorced, there is no entitlement to the survivor's pension after the former spouse. Nor has a person an entitlement to the pension after the registered partner. Nor in case of their long-term cohabitation and joint upbringing of children.

Last update: 9. 3. 2022