Certificate of Living
The conditions for the entitlement to the pension payment shall be verified by means of the Certificate of Living form (i.e. that the pension beneficiary is alive).
- Unless CSSA receives the Certificate of Living, the pension cannot be paid,
- The Certificate of Living must always be signed by an authenticated signature (please see below).
The Certificate of Living is to be sent:
By post to: ČSSZ, Oddělení výplat do zahraničí, Křížová 25, 225 08 Praha 5
The handwritten signature appearing on the Certificate of Living form must be officially authenticated, in particular, it must give the date of validation (or authentication) with a seal of the competent authority attached (for further details, please see explanatory notes on the form).
Electronically to: posta@cssz.cz
The pension beneficiary shall complete, print, sign the form by hand, have the handwritten signature officially authenticated, scan it from the paper to electronic form, sign it by a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, which will be in the format specified in Commission’s (EU) Implementing Decision No. 2015/1506/ and will send it by e-mail to the electronic address of the CSSA mail room posta@cssz.cz.
Pursuant to Article 3 [12] of the eIDAS Regulation, the qualified electronic signature shall mean a guaranteed electronic signature created by a qualified equipment for the creation of electronic signatures and which is based on the qualified certificate for electronic signatures.
An official authentication on the Certificate of Living form is necessary as, pursuant to the eIDAS Regulation, the qualified electronic signature has equivalent legal effects to the handwritten signature - however, to confirm the continuation of the pension payment claim, an officially authenticated (handwritten) signature of the Czech pension beneficiary must appear on the Certificate of Living form.
Last update: 29. 3. 2022