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Conditions for the payment of benefits abroad

The DSSA pays sickness insurance benefits abroad based on the insured person’s application, and only to the insured person’s account with a bank abroad. The costs of this payment are paid by the recipient of the sickness insurance benefit. In this case, the IBAN account number, beneficiary account name, name, address and country of the foreign bank, bank ID and bank ID type (e.g. BIC SWIFT code) must be provided. The costs for the payment of the benefit are CZK 60 when payment is made to an EU member state; the costs when payment is made to another state are individual and can range from CZK 150 to 800. Intermediary banks can also add their own expenses.

Note: Benefits are paid by the competent institutions in accordance with their national legislation. The same applies to employers paying wage compensation.

Last update: 9. 2. 2022