Insurance number
The basic identifier of clients of the Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) – employees or self-employed persons – is the personal insurance number. The personal insurance number is usually the personal identification number, or if not assigned, the insured person’s registration number. When communicating with the CSSA, one must always state their personal identification number or the insured person’s registration number; it allows for the retrieval of necessary data from information systems and facilitates file documentation.
Both numbers are used in the area of pension and sickness insurance (for registration and insurance payments, when applying for a benefit and its payment) and serve as an identifier in other agendas within the CSSA’s competence. It facilitates communication between the CSSA and employers and attending physicians, and between the CSSA and self-employed persons.
The personal identification number (i.e. Czech birth number) is assigned by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. This is regulated by Act No 133/2000, on records of population and birth numbers and amending certain acts (Act on Records of Population), as amended, and by Decree No 296/2004, implementing the Act on Records of Population, as amended.
More information on assigning personal identification numbers to foreigners can be found at: or or
The insured person’s registration number is assigned by the CSSA for a temporary period to foreigners who do not yet have an assigned personal identification number. The above registration number is intended only for the internal registration of the insured person within the CSSA information system and it expires once the personal identification number is assigned. The client does not submit an application for the registration number himself or herself. The initiative to assign the registration number to a person without a personal identification number (e.g. a self-employed person, benefit applicant, etc.) is submitted by the locally competent DSSA upon registration, submission of an application, etc. when such person provides an identity card, proof of place of birth, etc. In the case of employees, the registration number is allocated without an application based on the employer’s report of commencement of employment. The CSSA issues a document on the allocation of the registration number, which is sent to the insured person to the address he or she provided and, in the case of employees, also to the address of the employer’s registered office.
If a personal identification number is assigned to such client by the Ministry of the Interior, that client must communicate this information to the relevant DSSA, or the CSSA headquarters, by submitting proof of the personal identification number assignment.
Last update: 9. 3. 2022