Váš prohlížeč - MS Internet Explorer #version# - již nepatří mezi podporované prohlížeče. Doporučujeme přejít na některý jiný prohlížeč, podrobnosti najdete v prohlášení o přístupnosti.

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The beneficiaries of old-age pensions may, as they see fit, work freely or conduct business, or more specifically carry out a gainful activity. Even the award of an early old-age pension does not prevent them to have an extra income. However, in this case, the scope of the activity is limited, i.e. a person is entitled to the payment of an early old-age pension before reaching the retirement age, only if a gainful activity that will not constitute participation in pension insurance (premiums for social security are not paid) is carried out. A person is not entitled to payments of an early old-age pension before reaching the retirement age if he/she receives unemployment benefits or retraining support.

Last update: 5. 2. 2022