Disagreement with decision and remedies
Should not the citizen agree with the decision of CSSA, he or she may file written objections against it within 30 days from the when the decision is delivered. The objections may be filed directly with CSSA or through any DSSA. The submission must clearly indicate which decision is challenged by the party, and why the party feels it is unlawful and what the party is seeking. CSSA shall review the decision in its entirety and may confirm, revoke or amend it. The objections may also be sent by e-mail, provided that they are signed by a recognized electronic signature or sent via the data box.
CSSA will decide on the objections within time limits set in the Rules of Administrative Procedure.
If the citizen does not agree with the outcome of the objection proceedings, he/she shall be able to file an administrative action with the competent court. An administrative action may be brought within two months of the date of the notification of the ruling of objections to the regional court of local jurisdiction (in case of Prague, with the Municipality Court in Prague). The objection proceedings to establish the court’s competence to deal with the matter.
Last update: 10. 3. 2022