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20 03/2024 Praha

Pension Consultancy Day with English-Czech translation

20. 03. 2024

Are you approaching retirement age and don't speak Czech well? We offer the opportunity to consult on issues related to your claims from the Czech pension system with the possibility of translation into English. Make an appointment for Thursday 11 April 2024 at the Client Centre of the ČSSZ Headquarters in Prague.

Consultations will be provided individually, free of charge and with the possibility of interpretation into English. Clients can find out about the conditions of their entitlement to a pension from the Czech pension insurance system, the procedures if they have worked in more than one state, how pensions are paid abroad or other practical information. Consultations are limited exclusively to the Czech state pension insurance system, i.e. not to claims arising from commercial pension insurance or from foreign pension systems.

Place and time of the advisory day:

  • ČSSZ Client Centre, Křížová 25, 225 08 Prague 5 
  • Thursday 11 April 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The consultation must be booked in advance online via the web application WebCall, internet ordering (cssz.cz) - "Konzultace v angličtině/ Consultation in English".

You will need an ID card or passport for the consultation.

It is recommended to bring documents related to yours pension insurance.

Last update: 20. 3. 2024