Submission of application
The application for a pension shall be filed by the citizen himself at any DSSA, in Prague at any local PSSA branch. The pension application shall be filed in person or another person may be authorized to do so under a power-of-attorney (no official authentication is required). The application shall be drawn up jointly by the staff member of the pension insurance department and the applicant.
It is also possible to submit an application for a pension in electronic form (online). An application for a pension in electronic form is submitted via the CSSA ePortal using electronic identification (e.g. data box, bank identity).
Pension applications may also be filed retrospectively. The payment shall be granted from the date on which the entitlement was acquired and the outstanding pension payments shall be paid off. The limit for the payment of the pension shall be 5 years retrospectively, after this period the entitlement to payment of individual instalments will be forfeited.
The persons residing in another EU member state or in a state with which the Czech Republic has concluded a bilateral social security agreement shall, as a general rule, apply for the Czech pension in the state of their residence through a local pension insurance institution. The latter will then forward it to CSSA.
Required documents and forms
If the deceased person has already received a pension, the survivor shall submit:
identity document, i.e. identity card, passport or residence permit, if applicable,
death certificate of the deceased
marriage certificate
For the payment of a pension to an account in the Czech Republic, a completed and a confirmed form by the bank "Application for a pension payment arrangement via transfer to an account in the Czech Republic – account holder" must be submitted.
If the deceased has not yet received a pension, the survivor will submit all documents related to the deceased that shall be submitted with the old-age (or disability) pension application
Last update: 16. 5. 2024