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Certificate of living


Other forms


Bilateral Agreements

Application for Czech pension for persons residing in contracting state


Form AL/CZ 202 (PDF 155,27 kB)

Please, send the form filled-in with block letters or electronically to the below-mentioned institution or its regional office depending on your place of residence:

Instituti i Sigurimeve Shoqërore (Social Insurance Institute)
Rruga e Durrësit, nr. 83
1001 Tiranë
Shqipëri (Albania)


Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form CZ/AU 202 (DOC 220 kB)

Please, send the form filled-in with block letters or electronically to the below-mentioned institution or its regional office depending on your place of residence:

Centrelink International
GPO Box 273
Hobart, Tasmania 7001

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form CAN-CZ 1 (PDF 86,13 kB) (czech-french version)
Form CAN-CZ (PDF 86,05 kB) (czech-english version)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

International Operations – AB
Service Canada
P.O. Box 2710, Main Station
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4C2

fax: +1-780-495-5753
http: www.servicecanada.gc.ca

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation.Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to CSSA.


Form CZ/IN 202 (PDF 692,67 kB)

Please, send the form filled-in with block letters to your (last) employer who shall forward it to the EPFO (Indian Employees Provident Fund Organisation).

Where appropriate you might be contacted for any missing information or documentation.
Once your application is complete, the EPFO will forward it to the CSSA.


Form IZR-CZ (DOC 957 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

National Insurance Institute
Liaison Office for International Conventions
13, Weizmann Avenue
P.O.Box 90009
91909 Jerusalem, ISRAEL
E-mail: btlfeed@btl.gov.il
http: www.btl.gov.il

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation.Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form J/CZ 202 (PDF 237,23 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

Japan Pension Service
3-5-24 Takaido-nishi
Tokyo 168-8505
http: http://www.nenkin.go.jp/n/www/english/index.jsp

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form CZ/KR 202 (PDF 749,1 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

National Pension Service
Center for International Affairs
Kukmin-Yeonkum Building 6th Floor
180, Giji-Ro, Deokjin-Gu
Jeonju-Si, Jeollabuk-Do 54870


http: http://www.nps.or.kr/

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form CZ/MD 202 (DOC 172,5 kB)

Please, send the form filled-in with block letters or electronically to the below-mentioned institution or its regional office depending on your place of residence:

Casa Naţională de Asigurări Sociale
strada Gheorghe Tudor 3
Republica Moldova


Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form QUÉ-RTC 3 (DOC 127 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale
Régie des rentes du Québec
1055, boul. René-Lévesque est, 13e étage
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2L 4S5
Tel.: (514) 866-7332
E-mail: isp-psr.mail-poste@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca
http: www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation.Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to CSSA.


Form CZ/RU 202/3.1 (PDF 244,39 kB)

Pension Fund of Russian Federation
Šabolovka č. 4
119991 Moscow
Russian Federation

Send the form filled-in with block letters to the above mentioned institution or its regional office depending on your place of residence:
This institution will consequently send your application for Czech pension benefits to the Czech Social Security Administration to Prague. If necessary, the Administration will ask you to provide more information.


Form TN/CZ 202 (PDF 290 kB)

Please, send the form filled-in with block letters or electronically to the competent below-mentioned institution or its regional office depending on your place of residence:

La Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale
49, Avenue Taïeb M´hiri
1002 Tunis
La République tunisienne

La Caisse Nationale de Retraite et de Prévoyance Sociale
12, Avenue Jean Jaurès
1001 Tunis
La République tunisienne

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the CSSA.


Form CZ/USA 202 (DOC 229,5 kB)

Send the form filled-in with block letters or electronically to the below-mentioned institution or its regional office depending on your place of residence:

U.S. Social Security Administration
OIO –Totalization
P.O. Box 17769
Baltimore, MD 21235-7769

The American party will consequently send your application for Czech pension benefits along with the proof of your insurance periods in the USA to the Czech Social Security Administration to Prague. If necessary, the Administration will ask you to provide more information.

Application for persons residing in Czech Republic for pension from contracting state


Form CZ/AL 202 (PDF 151,7 kB) - Claim for a pension from Albania
Form CZ/AL 207 (PDF 187,29 kB) - Request for certification of insurance periods in Albania
Albanian version (PDF 135,46 kB), Czech version  (PDF 193,08 kB)- List of equivalent periods in Albania  (Supplement to the form CZ/AL 207)

Please, fill-in the form „Claim for a pension from Albania“ with block letters or electronically and if necessary attach also the filled-in form „Request for certification of insurance periods in Albania” to it. Post the completed forms and any supporting documentation to the respective office of the Regional Social Security Administration or to the Prague Social Security Administration (if you live in Prague). This institution will forward your application for Albanian pension to

Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E - mail: posta@cssz.cz

The Czech Social Security Administration will attach the proof of your insurance periods in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information all documents will be sent to the Social Insurance Institute in Albania.


Form AUS140CZ_1107 (PDF 254,15 kB)

Please, fill-in the form „Claim for Australian Age Pension under the Agreement between Australia and the Czech Republic on Social Security“ with block letters or electronically and attach also the filled-in supplement ”Income and Assets (PDF 193,82 kB)” to it. Both forms must be completed and signed by your partner too (if you have one). Post your completed forms and any supporting documentation to the respective office of the Regional Social Security Administration or to the Prague Social Security Administration (if you live in Prague). This institution will forward your application for Australian age pension to

Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E - mail: posta@cssz.cz

ČSSZ (Czech Social Security Administration) will attach the proof of your insurance periods in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information all documents will be sent to the Australian institution Centrelink. Centrelink can contact you (in writing, by telephone or e-mail) in case it will be necessary to provide more details or some other information.


Form GE-CAN (PDF 64,68 kB) (Czech-English version)
Form GE-CAN 1 (PDF 68,58 kB) (Czech-French version)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

ČSSZ Praha
Křížová 25
225 08 Praha 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the Canadian Institution for social security.


Form IN/CZ 4 (PDF 561,72 kB)
This form is used as an application for an Indian retirement or survivor or total permanent disability pension.
Form IN/CZ 1 (PDF 406,31 kB) for old-age pension and disability pension or Form IN/CZ 2 (PDF 838,74 kB) for survivors´ pension.
These forms will be used in case the applicant or the deceased person was a member of the Indian Provident Fund.
Form IN/CZ 3 (PDF 459,06 kB)
This form is used as an application for Indian withdrawal benefit under employees´ pension scheme (1995) in case the applicant is under 50 years old and he/she is not going to continue working in India.
Form IN /CZ 5 (PDF 412,32 kB)
This form is used as an application for an Indian assurance benefit by survivor if the insured person died during the work.
Please return the filled-in forms and any supporting documentation to the respective regional office of the Czech Social Security Administration. This institution will forward your application for Indian pension to:
Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E-mail: posta@cssz.cz

The Czech Social Security Administration will attach the proof of your insurance periods completed in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information all documents will be sent to the Indian institution EPFO.


Form – Claim for the old-age pension (PDF 707,85 kB)
Form – Claim for the disability pension (PDF 563,29 kB)
Form – Claim for the survivors‘ pension (PDF 427,03 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

ČSSZ Praha
Křížová 25
225 08 Praha 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the institution for social security in Israel.


Form CZ/J 1 (PDF 917,29 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

ČSSZ Praha
Křížová 25
225 08 Praha 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the Japanese institution for social security.


Form KR/CZ 2 (PDF 308,81 kB)

Please fill in the application and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

ČSSZ Praha
Křížová 25
225 08 Praha 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the Korean institution for social security.


Form MD/CZ 202 (DOC 160 kB)

Please, fill-in the form „Claim for a pension from Moldova“ with block letters or electronically. Post the completed form and any supporting documentation to the respective office of the Regional Social Security Administration or to the Prague Social Security Administration (if you live in Prague). This institution will forward your application for Moldovan pension to

Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E - mail: posta@cssz.cz

The Czech Social Security Administration will attach the proof of your insurance periods in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information all documents will be sent to the institution for social security in Moldova.


Please fill in the application designated for Canada and return it to the institution mentioned below or to its nearest local office to the following address:

ČSSZ Praha
Křížová 25
225 08 Praha 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

Where appropriate the institution will contact you for any missing information or documentation. Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded it to the institution for social security in Québec.


Form RU 3/CZ 202 (PDF 221,47 kB)

Fill in the form with block letters. Hand in the filled-in form at the respective office of the Regional Social Security Administration or in Prague at the Prague Social Security Administration or in Brno at Municipal Social Security Administration. This institution will forward your application for pension benefits to:
Křížová 25
225 08 Praha 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

The Czech Social Security Administration will attach the proof of your insurance periods completed in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information, all documents will be sent to the Pension Fund of Russian Federation.


Form CZ/TN 202 (PDF 255,49 kB) - Claim for a pension from Tunisia
Form CZ/TN 207 (PDF 184,03 kB) - Declaration regarding the history of insurance periods

Please, fill-in the form „Claim for a pension from Tunisia“ with block letters or electronically and if necessary attach also the filled-in form „Declaration regarding the history of insurance periods ” to it. Post the completed forms and any supporting documentation to the respective office of the Regional Social Security Administration or to the Prague Social Security Administration (if you live in Prague). This institution will forward your application for Tunisian pension to

Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E - mail: posta@cssz.cz

The Czech Social Security Administration will attach the proof of your insurance periods in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information all documents will be sent to the competent social security institution in Tunisia.


Form  SSA 2490 –BK (PDF 70,66 kB)
Translation of Form SSA 2490 –BK (DOC 259 kB) into Czech. 

Please, fill-in the form Application for Benefits under a U.S. Agreement with block letters or electronically and attach also the filled-in supplement ”Supplement to Claim for U.S. Benefit (WZ0-CZ-01) (DOC 143 kB) to it. Please, do not fill-in the Czech translation of Form SSA 2490 –BK, since it shall only make understanding of the original English form SSA 2490 –BK easier for you. Hand in the filled-in forms at the respective office of the Regional Social Security Administration or in Prague at the Prague Social Security Administration. This institution will forward your application for pension benefits to

Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Tel.: 00420 257 061 111
E –mail: posta@cssz.cz

ČSSZ (Czech Social Security Administration) will attach the proof of your insurance periods in the Czech Republic and after filling-in any other necessary information all documents will be sent to the American insurance institution. The American insurance institution or its contact office for the central Europe in Warsaw (Federal Benefits Unit Warsaw) can contact you (in writing, by telephone or e-mail) in case it will be necessary to provide more details or some other information.

Last update: 23. 7. 2024