Payment of pensions abroad and Certificate of Living – changes effective from 01/07/2022
With regard to the fact that in the Czech Republic and the majority of other countries, the emergency measures introduced in connection with the pandemic of COVID-19 were already loosened or cancelled, there will take place the changes in proving the conditions for paying out of Czech pensions to the persons living abroad namely with effect from 01/07/2022. The Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) will enable the beneficiaries of Czech pensions (pensioners) living abroad to send the Certificate of Living without the signature verification of a pensioner by 30/06/2022 only.
With effect from 01/07/2022, the CSSA will require the pensioners’ signatures on the Certificate of Living to be officially verified. The Certificate of Living should be sent by a pensioner to the CSSA in compliance with legal regulations in document form, i.e. by post or in electronic form, i.e. by e-mail, which will contain the Certificate of Living as a scanned attachment singed with a recognized electronic signature, or through the data box.
Multilingual forms of the Certificate of Living are available on the CSSA website: http://eportal.cssz-cz/web/portal/tiskopisy-pro-pozivatele-duchodu/ or on
Last update: 29. 6. 2022